Joshua Vaage


  1. 11ty-tachyons - This is an 11ty Starter Template with Tachyons in place for styling.
  2. 11ty-website - Documentation site for the Eleventy static site generator.
  3. agency-jekyll-theme - Agency Theme for Jekyll
  4. apj-redesign - Re-design of this page:
  5. asciidoc-jekyll - Jekyll theme for a site dedicated to posts written using asciidoc as well as markdown
  6. aviator-jekyll-template - :droplet: API Documentation template for Jekyll
  7. - Documentation site for Basscss
  8. bootstrap-4-github-pages - A Bootstrap 4 start up project for Github Pages and Jekyll
  9. breen-image-chooser - Starter template for mocking up designs
  10. cf - Agency for Meaningful Propaganda
  11. cf-news -
  12. cms.js - The Javascript Site Generator
  13. colors - Smarter defaults for colors on the web.
  14. css-colour-names - A game to guess CSS colours!
  15. cssnext - Use tomorrow's CSS syntax, today
  16. -
  17. docs - documentation site
  18. driftwood - A template for quickly creating, hosting, and publishing a podcast using Github and Jekyll. If you make a podcast using this template, please let me know so I can subscribe.
  19. dyel -
  20. edition-jekyll-template - :books: Product documentation template for Jekyll
  21. eduhouse - The Limits are Limitless.
  22. eleventy-sanity - Eleventy on Sanity
  23. forestry-jekyll-githubpages - A test-drive of CMS
  24. foundation - The most advanced responsive front-end framework in the world. Quickly create prototypes and production code for sites and apps that work on any kind of device.
  25. foundation-jekyll - Zurb Foundation for Jekyll is a blank starter site built using version 4.x of ZURB's Foundation Framework, the Jekyll static site generator and Grunt for build/deploy automation.
  26. frisco-jekyll-template - :iphone: App marketing template for Jekyll
  27. frontend-dev-bookmarks - A huge list of frontend development resources I collected over time. Sorted from general knowledge at the top to concrete problems at the bottom.
  28. Future-Friendly - A manifesto
  29. -
  30. geoff -
  31. Ghost - Just a blogging platform
  32. github-buttons - Showcase any GitHub repo's success with these two simple, static buttons featuring dynamic watch and fork counts.
  33. github-flat-buttons - :octocat: Unofficial github:buttons made for developers.
  34. hashgrid - A little tool that inserts a layout grid in web pages, allows you to hold it in place, and toggle between displaying it in the foreground or background.
  35. ingas-books -
  36. ironrepublic - An account of Mr. E. W. Barrington's expedition beyond Antarctica to a place called the Iron Republic.
  37. jekyll-agency-theme - Jekyll theme for a Web Agency that is tailored toward use in as a CMS.
  38. jekyll-asciidocs-netlify -
  39. jekyll-atom - A collection of tools and snippets for working with Jekyll in Atom
  40. jekyll-avalanche-tachyons-sass -
  41. jekyll-category-pages - Add category index pages with and without pagination
  42. jekyll-contentful-data-import - Contentful Plugin for the Jekyll Static Site Generator
  43. jekyll-contentful-example - An example to showcase the integration of Jekyll and Contentful.
  44. jekyll-csv - Turn a CSV into a Jekyll collection
  45. jekyll-forestry-snipcart - An Jekyll template for building an eCommerce site. Utilises Snipcart for payment processing and for Content Management.
  46. jekyll-git_metadata - Expose Git metadata to Jekyll.
  47. jekyll-gulp-sass-tachyons-browser-sync - A starter project including full setup for Jekyll, GulpJS, SASS, Tachyons, & BrowserSync
  48. jekyll-manifest.json - Output a manifest.json file from _config.yml settings in a Jekyll project.
  49. jekyll-octopod - Podcast publishing extension for Jekyll
  50. jekyll-plugins -
  51. jekyll-plugins-1 - A collection of Jekyll plugins and generators that I've written for
  52. jekyll-snippets - Library of commonly used snippets for Jekyll sites.
  53. jekyll-starter - Quite possibly the best Jekyll Starter ever!
  54. jekyll-tachyons - SASS-free Jekyll project starter w/ Tachyons stylesheet.
  55. jekyll-TeXt-theme - 💎 🐳 A super customizable Jekyll theme for personal site, team site, blog, project, documentation, etc.
  56. jekyll-theme-antarctica - Jekyll theme.
  57. jekyll-theme-poise - Multiple author Jekyll theme with individual author archives.
  58. Jekyll-to-Ghost - Takes your Markdown posts from Jekyll and packages them up into a JSON file that Ghost ( can import
  59. jekyll-tools - A collection of Liquid templates I made for my Jekyll-powered blog: Adding open graph and Twitter cards, Disqus comments, posts by tag, and a heatmap calendar for posts
  60. jekyll-wants-content - Bootstrap theme - just wants to eat CSV, YML, and maybe JSON
  61. jekyllcms - Content editor for GitHub Pages
  62. jekyons - Open source prototyping kit powered by Jekyll & Tachyons.
  63. joshuavaage - testing
  64. jquery-pageslide - jQuery Javascript plugin which slides a webpage over to reveal an additional interaction pane.
  65. json-fetcher - Poor man's one page to fetch json and display it formatted with Ajax proxy set up ready to use.
  66. justdust -
  67. jvaage - Personal site for Joshua Vaage
  68. keystroke-codes - A key code reference for doing stuff with javascript.
  69. MeetHyde - Simple Content Management for Jekyll-powered Github Pages
  70. mntr-podcasts - playing with octopod fork
  71. mps-youtube - Terminal based YouTube player and downloader
  72. occam-athletics - Sacramento California
  73. OpenVintage - Ham and Plunder
  74. openvintage_com -
  75. pagemaster - Jekyll plugin for generating Markdown collection pages from CSV/YAML/JSON records 🧙📖
  76. pelican - A Gulp, Sass, and HTML/CSS/JS kit for designing in the browser.
  77. plainwhite-jekyll - A configurable portfolio-style jekyll theme for writers.
  78. planet.rb - A feed aggregator implementation intended to be used with Octopress
  79. query-engine.npm - A NoSQL (and MongoDB compliant) Query Engine coded in CoffeeScript for Server-Side use with Node.js and Client-Side use with Web-Browsers
  80. reusable-jekyll-site - This is a starter site for people making Jekyll sites for hosting in Github Pages and editing with
  81. river5 - A river-of-news RSS aggregator in JS running in Node.
  82. - My personal Github page
  83. - first push
  84. sample-datocms-jekyll-portfolio -
  85. Shopify-Bootstrap-2 - Shopify Template uses Twitter Bootstrap 2
  86. starter - A starter site for Jekyll + Prose
  87. static-digital-sale -
  88. Stripe-Bootstrap-Template - Complete Template for Accepting Credit Cards using the Twitter Bootstrap template. PHP & MySQL Req.
  89. - A Christian Reformed Congregation
  90. tachyons-animate - Single purpose classes to help you orchestrate CSS animations
  91. tachyons-modules - source modules for new site design
  92. tachyons-ui-loading-component - UI Loading Component to use with Tachyons CSS
  93. Textpattern-Bootstrap - Textpattern & Twitter Bootstrap
  94. Textpattern-Foundation - Foundation Framework for Textpattern CMS
  95. - Migrating the Textpattern documentation out of MediaWiki.
  96. thenewdynamic - Resources for Designers and Developers using the Static Web Stack
  97. tinacms - Tina is a site editing toolkit for modern React-based sites (Gatsby and Next.js)
  98. twitrics - Light weight desktop twitter client
  99. txp-h5bp-theme - A replacement for the Textpattern default theme utilising techniques from HTML5 Boilerplate
  100. txp-shop - Textpattern store template.

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